I biked in the dirt.
Not to be confused with mountain biking (which happens in the dirt) and looks like this...
Or dirt biking which also happens in the dirt and looks like this...
Those who know me well, like say my mother, are thinking -- "Elizabeth, you hate to get dirty and have from the time you were an infant when you refused to crawl in grass or go barefoot. Biking in dirt should be the last thing on earth you want to do."
To that I say, "So, true. And yet, I do want to do it."
It all started when I watched this amazing trailer for a documentary called RACE AGROSS THE SKY. It's about Leadville 100 -- an INSANE Mountain Bike race across 100 beautiful miles in Colorado. Where all these people dress in lycra and bike in the dirt. Uphill and downhill and in the rain and in the snow through some of the most beautiful places on earth. If you want to watch it, here it is:
When I watched it I thought to myself... Gee, I'd like to try that. In fact, I'd like to ride the Leadville 100. In fact, I'd like to beat Lance Armstrong in that race.
Then I thought to myself, "Who are you?"
Then I thought to myself, "I'm the unfit athlete, I've got to take on some challenge, why not Leadville? Why not Lance Armstrong?"
Then I thought to myself. "Whoa, slow down there partner, how about you just try riding a bike in dirt and see if you like it?"
And I woke up last Saturday morning and I did just that. I road my bike in the dirt.
The black lab in the front is Peaches, our mutt. I'm riding at what I lovingly refer to as our country home, which is on 3 acres of dirt (with a view of Big Bear Mountain and Idyllwild). The yellow building is the well house.
Here's me posing under a tree. I just woke up and my hair is standing straight up. My expression says, "I'm half asleep and I'm a little confused as to why I'm on this bike under the tree, but I'm smiling with my eyes. BEHIND the lids." Personally, I think the look works for me. It's not like Tyra, Heidi or Elle have got this one in their repertoire. It's uniquely my own.
You'll notice dirt and terrain, it's not smooth, even dirt it's bumpy dirt with pine needles and trees and holes where critters live. It's also got some elevation, I rode uphill and downhill. I rode in exactly three circles around the house until I rode over something that punctured the tire tube and gave me a flat.
During those three laps I learned some very important things.
I do like riding in dirt on terrain in places with elevation. It engages my mind in ways riding on a paved bike trail does not and it's fun. I want to do more of it.
And I would have done more of it last Saturday if it weren't for the flat tire, which taught me the second lesson...
Becoming a "real athlete" who does actual sports in the actual world (as opposed to riding an elliptical in a gym - which I'm not knocking at all -- but, it's different) presents a new reason not to be able to work out --
Equipment failure. And it's a bummer, because I was having fun.
AAA doesn't come around to fix your flat bike tire. There's no gym manager to complain to, to get the broken equipment fixed. According to Doug, cyclists carry extra tubes in their ride packs and if they get a flat on the road, they fix it themselves. (And how sexy is it that my man knows how to fix a flat bike tire himself?)
But, my bike's new, so I don't have any extra tubes and the flat ended my dirt biking experience and began my napping experience and I have to admit while I was totally sad I had to stop biking, it was a great nap.
But, I'm itching to get out on a dirt trail and try out the dirt biking "for reals". Guess we're going to have to make a trip to Performance Bicycle and get some tubes for the mountain bikes.
On a side note...
Just want to check in regarding my New Year's Resolutions.
Haven't decided yet what the new sport for March will be. I'm going to continue the biking, but I'm still working toward my resolutions and am trying a new sport every month. (Jan is Pilates. Feb is biking.) I'm leaning toward taking a rock climbing class. Though, Doug is encouraging me to try an team sport. Not sure I'm ready for the nightmare of letting down others. Maybe I should organize an "Unfit Athlete kickball game". That would at least be a blast.
I've lost 6 pounds.
There's a free app on iPhone called Lose It that helps with calorie tracking. I've found it useful. (My mom found that one and shared. Thanks Mom!)
The resolution I'm most falling behind on is the cooking 24 new healthy dishes. So, I'm going to have to get on that...soonish. (In the back of my mind I keep thinking, I can always cook 24 healthy dishes in December if push comes to shove. I know that's not the point and defeats the reason it's one of my resolutions but, what can I say, I'm a huge procrastinator.)
The goal of moving 1,000 miles in 2010 is definitely keeping me moving. It keeps me on the treadmill/elliptical for longer. So, that is most definitely an effective motivator. That being said, I've got less than 50 miles, so, I've got many miles to go before I sleep. (Homage to Robert Frost)
Thanks to reader Sonja's kind nudge in January, I've posted a blog every Wednesday since early January. Sometimes it's been LATE Wednesday, but I've done it before I go to sleep Wednesday night. So, here's a shout out to Sonja and accountability.
Now, it's time to stop writing and go home to have dinner with Doug.