Hellllooooo TWENTY-TEN! I'm glad you're here.
2009 was one of those really high-high years (became a full time writer). And super low-lows (one of my beloved cats passed away). So, I am truly ready and excited that 2010 is here!
People who know me well, know for me, excitement is a subtle thing. I tend to be calm and understated. Perhaps a little dry. But, I don't feel understated about 2010. Or fitness or health in general. I feel MOTIVATED AND ENERGIZED.
Even though I have a cold and my bosses won't let me go to work, which also means that I'm not working out today, because apparently part of health is giving your body time to actually heal itself. So, here's your time, body. Heal yourself. Because we have some ass kicking to do this year!
Specifically, my own ass.
I've got goals:
1. Move 1,000 miles this year. Bike, swim, walk, run, whatever, for 1,000 miles. Log the miles.
2. Experience 12 new sports. One a month.
3. Publish an entry to The Unfit Athlete blog once a week. (On Wednesdays).
4. Discover what fitness means to me, mind, body and soul.
5. Cook 24 new healthy dishes this year.
Those look like good doable goals for 2010.
Do you have fitness goals for the year? What are they?